As humans, we can get captivated by visual beauty, it can be instant, sometimes we call it first love. Those visual memories, even first love, fade over time.

It is a familiar scent that can take us instantly back to our past to exact places where those memories have been created. Have noticed certain perfumes and fragrances remind you of certain places, people, events. WHY and HOW does this happen? As humans, we have 400 different types of olfactory receptors, each receptor is paired with a matching olfactory gene in our DNA. As a comparison, our eyes have only three types of receptors (blue, green, and red ranges of the colour spectrum). Our taste buds have only five types of receptors (sweet, salty, bitter, sour, and savoury). As humans, we have 900 genes that can code olfactory receptors, allowing us to detect 10,000 different odours. And yes, some of those scents are hypnotic.